Sunday, November 13, 2005


Air Fresheners

In "them" olde days, there was a air freshener by the name of
Air Wick....To show you how good this freshener was, the
product name has been revived because of its customer

The original product was a far cry from today's......The air
freshener fluid came in a rectangular green bottle....You
opened the bottle and exposed a big, fat wick to the air
by pulling the wick and its little metal hanger up out of the
bottle.....The product had no real scent to it....It did not "stink"
up the house, it just got rid of the offensive odor.....

You can not buy it anymore....Now you have to settle for some
product which uses a perfumed oil which costs about $4.00 for
a half an ounce and you hope it lasts a month....

All right the olde Air Wick bottle was not pretty....If people saw
it, they knew your were odor-proofing the house....So what....
They also had a bottle at home....

People do not know what "fresh air" smells like anymore....
Their homes smell like the perfume counter at Macy's....If not
from scented oil, then from scented candles.......Pumps
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