Thursday, September 01, 2005


From The Ashes

Yes, Katrina has caused the destruction of New Orleans, along
with major parts of Gulfport and Biloxi.....And yes, the
"doomsdayers" and "soothsayers" told us so and forewarned
us, as they have done through out history......

Major cities, which are needed for trade or a center of
culture, always are rebuilt.....At last count there were some
nine Troys (re: Helen of Troy), two Romes, a London or two,
one Chicago and one San Francisco.....Another major earthquake
and make it two for Frisco....

So New Orleans will rise from the ashes like all other cities have.....
This one will be built a little better than the last and the
"doomsdayers" shall start their "chants" again....For
"Chicken Little" still is alive and well, and a history book
printed in the year 2094 will have an extra page devoted to
the "Big Easy"....Pumps
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