Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Cell Phone Etiquette

I guess we have all had our fill of cell phones these days....
They have changed the way people conduct their lives...Once
a person has a cell phone they are now "connected", "alive",
"wanted and needed"....One wonders how they survived
long enough until the "security" of a cell phone was
available to them.....

Have you ever noticed that if you are talking to someone
and THEY get a cell phone call, YOU suddenly do not exist
in the world anymore.....Their attention immediately goes
elsewhere....Their need for "security" "information" and
"consolation" lies at the end of the phone connection....
And in many cases they do not even excuse themselves
when leaving YOUR world to communicate with the OTHER....

It is always comforting to know that the cell phone CALLER
is more valued, than YOURSELF......Pumps
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