Monday, July 11, 2005


Where Are The Men?

Thanks to a nice technician, I have gotten my ISP and modem
connection running again....(Let us hope.)....This is his story....

When an electronic connection malfunctions the technician
first want to ascertain "what have you touched or played with".
In my case there is a 4 year old cable splitter on a floor joist
in the CRAWL space underneath the house......"Ah", he says
"the problem lies there....Show me the way.".....

Next the problem MAY not be there, because there are BUGS
down there......Our brave technician then proceeded to check
a connection on the outside of the house...... His day was saved...

The BUGS did not eat him up alive in the CRAWL space....Our
modem problem was a bad ground fault on the exterior of the
building......He was really lucky because two months earlier
it is snake mating season in my CRAWL space....Pumps
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