Sunday, July 17, 2005


Beef Prices #3

If one thinks that the price of beef will drop in the near future
do not hold one's breath......Gasoline is up in cost and so will
stay beef....With everyone talking about activist judges, one
can find "one" involved with beef....No constitutional "stuff"
just plain olde beef.....

The Canadian boarder is now open for the exportation of beef..
While processing plants in the US have closed, due to the lack
of Canadian cattle, the US meat processors have been expanding
their slaughtering facilities across the boarder.....Soon one way
or another Canadian beef will be in the US market....Alive or
prepackaged and frozen....

But do not expect to see a reduction in the price of ground beef....
The processors have risen the price and it will stay there, no
matter how much Canadian beef crosses the boarder, in one form
or another......

Note your cost for beef (steaks, chops, ground) this year and
compare it to next year.....The "big guys" found a way to make
money on beef and they will keep it that way......Pumps
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