Tuesday, June 14, 2005


The Great Crap-Shoot

The only true form of democratic government, which remains,
is the "Town Hall Meeting" held for the purpose of an election
which still exists in some corners of New England....Otherwise
voting is a "crap-shoot" at best....

Now a days you vote for someone you never met and do not
know...If you are lucky you may have shaken his/her hand,
a long with the rest of the masses, in an auditorium or on a
crowded street corner...This hand function is not a great insight
into their character....But you elect them into office none the

Now during their elected term you begin to know the person
you voted for.....Now judgments can be made and opinions
formed....Now and only now does the true election vote have
some merit for the candidate running for re-election....
Do your re-elect them in or vote them out? ....Pumps
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