Saturday, May 28, 2005



There are people and organizations today that lobby against
pollution, global warming, ozone, melting ice caps, etc...

I have been watching "film footage" of the Second World
War since the mid-fifties....(It started with Victory at Sea)...
And it appears that the History Channel has found every
piece of film taken during those years....But anyway....

What has happened to all the pollution from the bombing,
oil fires and blown up ammunition dumps?....When you
watch these films all you see in big bellowing clouds of
black smoke....

Where has it all gone and what effect has it had on the
world some 60 years later, if any?....Pumps
What an excellent question!
During the first Gulf War, the smoke from burning oil wells caused palpitations among the more hysterical environmentalists, who moaned the world would be ended by the horror.
Those same hysterics said almost the same thing after the Exxon Valdez accident.
In both cases, after a relatively short time, there are no traces.
I guess the World War II pollution went the same way: Nature is surprisingly forgiving, that is, it covers up many of our mistakes, and in a surprisingly short time.
Good blog.
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