Thursday, May 12, 2005


Orange Juice

It is a shame that the taste of "real" orange juice has not
touched the majority of modern day palates...

Years ago one had to squeeze their own juice in order
to drink it....At home you used a squeezer and
extracted the juice by rotating each half of the orange
over a glass or metal serrated knob....(They are still
being manufactured)...Or, the juice was extracted by
a compression device, at the local diner or ice cream
parlor....A Nedick's anyone...

Then came Minute Maid...(Bing Crosby made a fortune
off of this one.)....Ready made, pre-squeezed OJ in a
milk type container...A little different in taste but it
was still "real".....

Then came "frozen concentrate".....This in turn created
OJ from "concentrate"...Extract water - ship concentrate -
replace water - sell product locally...It has become the
accepted version of orange juice....

A rare few people still remove, from the refrigerator,
chilled oranges, cut them in half, and sqeeze out the
juice...Only these few, have happy palates......Pumps
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