Sunday, May 08, 2005


Once Upon A Time #2

On this 60th anniversary of VE day, an olde man attempts to
recall his contribution to the war effort when he was an

#1. Paste "war stamps" into the war stamp book...When the
book was filled you exchanged it for a "war bond"...

#2. Collect small pieces of "tin foil" from candy, gum and
cigarette packaging in order that it could be formed into a
large ball and taken to the recycling center...

#3. Memorize all the silhouette shapes of enemy aircraft which
were printed on the back of the bubble gum cards...

#4. And let us not forget the collection and bundling of any
piece of newspaper, not matter what its condition...

#5. Also with mother in mind, on this Mother's Day, waiting
for her at the trolley stop, to walk her home after her long
day at the defense plant, which was on the other side of
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