Thursday, April 14, 2005


Life In The Fast Lane

There are two states which are considering giving traffic tickets
to people driving too slow in the fast (left) lane of their highways...
As usual, it seems, the senior citizen is once again the major
cause of this problem...

Let me get this straight...If the speed limit posted is 65 miles
per hour does that not mean that the speed in the right lane
is 65 mph and that the speed in the left lane is also 65 mph?...
Or am I missing something?...

Some highways do have a minimum speed posted of 40 mph...
If someone is doing 40 mph in the left lane, they should get
a traffic ticket...But I have yet to see anyone do 40 even in the
right lane, except a school bus...

To solve this problem, I think that the right lane should be
posted at 65 mph and the left lane at 85 mph...This then will
get all the fast drivers out of the way of the slower ones...
Also the State Police will only have to worry about only one
lane instead of two...(Anyone going 85 mph will always push
it 10 mph more to 95 mph)...

Since road and highway posted speeds are based on night time
road visiblity in rainy weather, let's see how far the younger
generation wants to push it's driving talents...Pumps
In Oregon on the Interstate, if you're driving in the passing lane for extended periods of time without actually passing anybody, you can get pulled over. I THINK this might only be for semi-trucks, but it still seemed like a pretty stupid idea to me...
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