Friday, April 15, 2005


The American Movie Classic TV Channel

Once upon a time there was the AMC TV Channel...It provided
"non commercial" viewing of old movies...At the same time
there was the Turner Classic Movie TV Channel which
competed for the same viewer...Well guess who won the battle
for the audience...Turner...

These days the AMC TV Channel has turned into an awful
viewing experience...Their "library" of movies consists mostly
of the "B" category...(Turner holds "title" rights to the good

While they are trying to attract viewers with their new
"wide screen" format, for those viewers with the new
plasma HDTVs hanging on the living room wall, TCM has
followed suit...

AMC has turned into a Channel of repeats...It repeats its
movies just as often as it repeats its commercials...

Ah yes! The olde days...Three to five channnels, each one
of them watched by millions...Today 150 watched by
a bare few...Pumps
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